martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Pepe Social!!

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed our very first Noche de Cultura! We are open to ideas and suggestions for countries, events, activities, and definitely topics for conversation you are interested in, just let us know what you would like to see Pepe become ;)

Also, we want to invite you to our very first Pepe Social! We are getting together on Sunday, October 7th at Juicy Tart [awesome froyo and very nice excuse for taking a break]. We're getting there at 6pm so come over and hang out for a little while, get to know your fellow platicadores and bring your friends! This is not a meeting, so we are leaving it up to you guys to decide if you want to practice your spanish here as well ;)

For those who don't know where this awesome place is, it is on 24th street behind Starbucks on the second floor, hope to see you all there!

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